Audrey Hepburn. Because this note is so dull & pointless, I'm starting with Holly Golightly washing a car.
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) just finished their big party in Washington, with their ever-popular Presidential Straw Poll that always seems to say more than what anyone at CPAC really intends. Clocking in at thirty percent of the vote, and with the gold, was the hip hop happening groovy cat from Nowsville: Ron Paul, the 75 year old Texas congressman and iconic pop star. Second place, with twenty-three percent, went to Mitt Romney. Former Governor Romney would like everyone to believe the he is on your side. Really. No matter what side that is. Mitt Romney: Change You Can Believe In (because if you don’t, he’ll be happy to change again).
To the extent there was a bronze medalist—and there wasn’t—the winner probably would have to be former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, with six percent. Heard of him? Me neither. Also with six percent was new New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who keeps insisting he’s not running for President (some people think he’s just a big liar). Rounding up the also-rans were Newt Gingrich, Private Citizen Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, and (presumably) Rick Santorum—all polling less than five percent each.
So—what’s the problem, and more to the point, why should anyone care? Here’s why: the results of the straw poll shows that CPAC’s professed unity lies somewhere just beyond theLost Horizon. And there’s no spinning that straw into a precious metal.
As Rick Santorum and his stool (an expression that sounds dirty, but isn’t really) so eloquently put it, the CPAC people would have you believe that the American conservative movement are three legs on that stool: the deficit hawks, the social conservatives, and “national security” people. By braiding those three strands together, conservatives will create a rope so strong, no liberal could possible break it. Too bad conservatives just go on to use that self-same rope to hang themselves.

Ann Sheridan. Ms. Sheridan will demonstrate the three branches of conservatism. Here, she is a social conservative.
For example, look at the “freedom” promised by the social conservatives: government restrictions on abortion, government restrictions on same-sex marriage, government restrictions medical marijuana…oh, and less government. But you get the idea: for the social conservative, “freedom” means that you get to believe what THEY believe. The counter-argument, that “liberals” are forcing their views on the social conservative, is specious. You don’t believe in abortion? Fine—no one’s forcing you to have one. You don’t want to marry someone who shares a gender with you? No problem! But there is no principled reason for you to deny that option to someone else. And if you prefer the medical effects of cherry brandy to marijuana, go for it. No one’s making you to listen to Workingman’s Dead.

Ann Sheridan, as fiscal conservative (the "zero" is for spending goals).

Anne Sheridan as national security conservative. Trust me--she's a real hard ass.
So, given largely mutually exclusive positions, what happened at CPAC? They played the old Arab game of the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The Patient Protection and Affordability Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (together aka ObamaCare) was roundly demonized. Left unmentioned was any kind of alternative, viable or otherwise. Also denounced was President Obama’s terrible record on foreign policy and the fact he’s Soft on Islamofascism (well, maybe not in so many words—but you knew that’s what they meant).
Interestingly, the only person who talked about the Egyptian Revolution (happening at the same time as the CPAC conference) was troublemaker Ron Paul. Congressman Paul excoriated thirty years of American foreign policy, for propping up and preserving the incompetent rule of Hosni Mubarak, condemning same as immoral, bad politics, and really just a plain waste of money. Everyone else either avoided the topic altogether, or followed the lead of Mitch McConnell, who on January 26 told MSNBC “All I can say this morning is that Egypt has been an extremely important ally of ours, since Anwar Sadat, and we’re all watching these developments in Cairo very carefully. Beyond that, I think I will not comment.” Sure—because maybe MAYBE Mubarak was right, all those years, how he was the only thing holding back a Sunni nationalist Muslim Brotherhood fundamentalist Islamic al Qaida inspired Arab Egyptian Shiite Ayatollah Khomeini, who would drive Israel into the sea, then invade…I don’t know…Florida! You never know… Those brown people are notorious for voting for the wrong people. And that’s EXACTLY the kind of government President Obama would install in Egypt, as Michelle Bachman would be happy to tell you…if she were commenting on the Egypt thing—which she’s not.

Barbara Nichols. Ms. Nichols is here, only to catch those whose attention is starting to wander.
But here’s my point: Senator DeMint, Governor Mike Huckabee, and Private Citizen Palin opted not to attend CPAC, because while all three constantly squawk about freedom like deranged parrots, the “libertarian bent” to CPAC just plain goes too far. For example, what was the big controversy at CPAC? The gay Republican group, GOProud were just not self-hating enough. And you remember New Mexico’s ex-Governor Gary Johnson, the man of bronze in the straw poll? The primary theme of his CPAC speech was legalization of marijuana, no doubt sweeping the Rastapublican vote.

Barbara Eden. I recently got into a quibble over who was the hottest sitcom babe, from back in the day.
Will CPAC ever decide to be principled, and do more than just mouth platitudes and spit insults, all in the name of a non-existent “Party Unity”?
No. They are just stoopid.
To find full size versions of pics illustrating this note (which is the only reason why anyone comes here), you can go to This Week in Stoopid: CPAC